Conversational English Classes
Morning session
Mon to Thurs - 10:30 to 12:30 pm
Evening session
Wed & Thurs - 6:00 to 8:00 pm
One-on-one private lessons
Group session
Online session

Affordable tutoring & Learning support
Are you struggling with your studies and would you like help overcoming your academic challenges? Do you need some grinds but dread the cost? Or maybe you like to increase your points for third-level education? Whatever the reason we are here for you. We provide both group and one-on-one sessions, in person and online. We have an experienced team of garda vetted tutors. We can help with math, English, science, languages and others.

Intercultural awareness training
Whats intercultural awareness?
Intercultural awareness refers to the awareness of our own cultural identity, values and beliefs and the knowledge and acceptance of other’s cultures. Intercultural awareness removes cultural barriers and brings a better understanding of ourselves and a better appreciation of those who are different. This increases interpersonal skills, helps us relate to people from other cultures and helps to build connections in a more meaningful way.
How can your organisation benefit from this training?
Cultural Awareness is used by team members while communicating with international colleagues or clients. The course will help learners to communicate more effectively and break down cultural barriers and improve understanding of their cultural differences.
Tailored for your needs
Do you need to train a group of 5 people or maybe 50? Or would you like to focus on a specific part of the training? We can tailor the course to suit the needs of your organization

Become a professionally trained Intercultural Mediator
What is Intercultural Mediation Training about?
Intercultural mediation is a dynamic process through which a professionally trained intercultural mediator or a bi-cultural link worker acts as a cultural broker between service providers and clients from minority ethnic backgrounds to assist both to reach a common understanding which leads to a more satisfactory outcomes in service provision and use.
Role of Intercultural Mediator
To help service providers, employers, and employment support agencies to understand the needs, norms and values of a minority group.
To provide information on different sets of values, orientations to life, beliefs, assumptions and socio-cultural conventions by clarifying culture-specific expressions and concepts that might give rise to misunderstanding.
To bridge communication gaps between service providers and minority ethnic users of services.
To support and encourage minority ethnic clients to voice their needs and interest when using services.
To mediate in conflicts where misunderstandings lead to serious communication breakdowns.
Who is the training for?
An immigrant/ethnic minority attuned with the practices, traditions, the language of your culture and living in County Louth or its surroundings.
Communities that experience language and cultural barriers trying to access health, education, social services and access to employment.
Anyone interested in acting as an advocate for their community.
Anyone interested facilitating communication between their community and Service providers.
Anyone interested in becoming a community interpreter to serve their community or the people they represent.
A freelancer looking for cultural appropriate training to help you support their community in understanding how the Irish system works.
Training Objectives:
To train individuals from diverse communities who will guide and support their communities to become more familiar with the Irish system and the diverse cultures within the local community.
To enhance the capacity of community members to work together to address issues of racism, sectarianism, and cultural conflicts.
To provide services that support dialogue, cultural links, a culture of mutual respect, with a primary focus on equality and building positive relations between peace target groups and the wider community.
To provide good working relationships with mainstream community groups, service providers, members of the new communities, faith groups, and Traveller groups through trained cultural ambassadors.
Eligibility criteria:
You must be an Immigrant/ Ethnic minority
A native speaker of your language
An Excellent knowledge of your culture and traditions
A relative knowledge of Irish culture and traditions
Available for the training and the programme